Frustration and Departure

I’ve tried printing copies of the list to carry round with me. Carefully highlighting books I have read and making little pencil lines under ones I want to read but frankly it makes for an impractically long list and I am careless enough that it quickly becomes dogeared and stained. Thus I end up reading books that were never on the list simply because the name sounds kind of familiar. It doesn’t help that my library doesn’t seem to know which 1000 books we all ought to be reading and persists in stocking the wrong ones. Anyway this week I ended up reading Heroes and Villains by Angela Carter (who is on the list for three other books so that counts right?) and The Distant Land of My Father by Bo Caldwell. Even though they may not be essential life time reading as endorsed by The Guardian they are both excellent and if you feel like attempting the list I suggest replacing Clarissa with one or both of these books.

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